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1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A new designer. B.New products. C.Newly-designed posters.

2.What is Lisa?

A.An artist. B.team leader. C.A product manager.


1.C 2.A 【解析】 【原文】 M: Hey, I just saw the new posters. They look really good. I understand you were the leader for the new design. W: Well, I was the leader of the team, yes. But we really all worked on it together. I'm glad you like it. What did you like most. M: Two things. First, the cover design is excellent with our logo right in the center. Also, the way the products are arranged on the page is excellent. The products are not all mixed together like last year. W:The cover design was Lisa's idea It seems that we made a right choice to hire an artist.