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1.When will the Friday races be held?

A.May 10th-June 10th. B.June 10th-July 10th. C.May 10th -July 10th.

2.How much should a student pay to join the club?

A.One dollar. B.Two dollars. C.Three dollars.

3.Why does the race set no prizes?

A.To keep safe. B.To save money. C.To enjoy running.

4.What will all runners get for free before the race?

A.Running shoes. B.Bottled water. C.Healthy snacks.

5.Who starts first in the race?

A.Beginner runners. B.More experienced runners. C.The most experienced runners


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 【原文】 Do you want to keep active? If so, you may be interested in this. The student running club will hold a race every Friday afternoon between May 10th and July 10th, and it is open to any student in our school. If you want to join in once, the cost is two dollars. The club wants to show that running can be fun, not to see who can run the fastest, so there aren’t any prizes for coming first. Before the race, all runners will receive a free bottle of water, and healthy snacks are offered at low prices. Those who are new to running start first and wear blue shirts; those with more experience follow on in orange, while the most experienced runners go close behind in red. If you need more information, you can call Carol Beaton at 832-835. We’ll hopefully see you all soon.