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When will the speakers meet?

A.At 3:30. B.At 3:45. C.At 4:50.


B 【解析】 【原文】 W: When should we get to the cookery club? M: Well, school finishes at 3: 30, so let's meet 15 minutes later. And please remember to take the fee. We need to spend $4.50 in joining the club. W: OK.  

    I just ended a six-year relationship. I found myself alone, feeling _______, often with an empty room for company(陪伴)on weekends. For the first time, I wondered if I had a mental_______.

After weeks of feeling_______ and sitting on my sofa crying, I decided to take action to turn my_______around. I realized I didn’t have disease. I just hadn’t been meeting my basic needs in a_______ and balanced way.

After taking action to_______ a new diploma(文凭), I reflected(思考)on how much better after I was meeting my basic needs, and how happy and_______ I felt as a result. I also recognized that I was meeting the_________in a new way. People were amazed when I told them what I was_______.

I never ________the basic need. At the moment I am__________ for my third marathon. People tell me how____________I am when I am running. I feel very happy, so I look after my body better. I have achieved a goal, and I go on to do something__________ with my time to meet other needs.

My dear friends, as we head into the New Year, I’d like to__________ you to spend an evening together, ____________some music you enjoy, look at each of the different needs and check how well you are__________ each one of your needs. If you do not meet a need fully, don’t worry. Worry is useless. __________, think about what action you can take to improve this__________, and write down some steps to achieve that. Like me with my__________, you may find that while meeting one need, you end up meeting others__________ as a result.

1.A.excited B.lonely C.curious D.joyful

2.A.disease B.energy C.determination D.enjoyment

3.A.content B.cheerful C.fortunate D.helpless

4.A.body B.sofa C.life D.title

5.A.dangerous B.broad C.healthy D.traditional

6.A.get B.make C.sell D.mend

7.A.alone B.alive C.asleep D.awake

8.A.condition B.friend C.stranger D.need

9.A.studying B.buying C.teaching D.missing

10.A.forget B.misunderstand C.ruin D.gain

11.A.training B.searching C.reporting D.watching

12.A.intelligent B.troublesome C.confident D.tiresome

13.A.generous B.unimportant C.unfair D.positive

14.A.allow B.invite C.order D.employ

15.A.put off B.put away C.put down D.put on

16.A.attracting B.meeting C.knowing D.remembering

17.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Besides

18.A.story B.situation C.design D.music

19.A.boyfriend B.failure C.sickness D.marathon

20.A.humorously B.painfully C.naturally D.violently


How to Forgive Someone

Forgiving someone who has done something wrong and hurt you can be difficult and painful. 1.  While this is natural, holding on to your anger causes you to become more painful. For this reason, it is necessary to choose to forgive, not for the other person, but for yourself. The following suggestions will help you forgive someone.

Release your anger. Let go of all the negative feelings you have towards the other person. Allow yourself to cry, go into nature, and talk to someone you trust, or do whatever helps you release these bad feelings. 2.

Give it time. Forgiveness does not come easily. 3. It is something that can be realized little by little every day.

4. Once you've had time to cool down and think things through, you may clearly explain to the other person, in a calm manner, how his actions have hurt you and how they have made you feel. This is very important, or you will bottle up feelings of anger towards the other person, making true forgiveness impossible.

Focus on the future. Once you have made the decision to forgive someone, you need to forget the past and focus on the future. 5. It might be just what your relationship needs.

A.Get angry at someone.

B.Tell the other person how you feel.

C.Your first reaction is probably to hold on to your anger.

D.It requires self-control, determination and, above all, time.

E.Look on the bright side of the future and make a fresh start.

F.If not, the bad feelings will cause you to become more painful.

G.It's unnecessary to rebuild a relationship with anyone or let him go.