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Laura Fagan is a British girl. She is 29 years old now. She has a special job. Her job is an offical cake-taster. She began to work two years ago. She loves her job very much. She needs to try as many as 20 desserts a day. She needs to travel to different cities to taste different desserts.

Although the job seems to be great, it is hard. Usually , Laura begins tasting desserts as early as 8 a.m., and is still tasting new desserts at 6 p.m. before she goes back home. Fortunately, the job hasn’t made her too fat. She only worries about her teeth.

“ Of course I was afraid of becoming fat when I started the job, so I try to do exercise as often as possible. The main thing is my teeth. I don't think my dentist would be happy if I told him what I do, so I try to brush my teeth as often as possible.” “When I tell people what I do, they say ‘ that’s the best job in the world’, and then they ask me what my favorite dessert is.”

Laura loves her job although it is hard. “ I can learn about new trends(趋势) in food. It is a hard job but someone has to do it.” she said.

1.To be a cake-taste is to _________________.

A. sell different cakes            B. make different cakes

C. taste different cakes           D. buy different cakes

2. The underlined word “ Fortunately” means “ ________________”

A. quickly          B. luckily          

C. lovely            D. terribly

3.Which of the following is TRUE ?

A. Laura is very heavy because of her job.          

B. Laura doesn’t love her job because it is hard.

C. Laura often works for a long time every day.     

D. People all think Laura’s job is very tired.


1.C 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:劳拉·费根是一个英国女孩。她现在是29岁。她有一种特殊的工作。她的工作是蛋糕品尝者。她非常喜欢她的工作。她需要去不同的城市,品味不同的甜点。虽然工作似乎是很好的,但它也是很难的。劳拉从早上八点开始工作,下午六点才能回家。 1.做为一名蛋糕品尝者的目的是什么?联系原文:She needs to travel to different cities to taste different desserts.句意:劳拉是一名蛋糕品尝者,她需要旅行不同的城市去品尝不同的蛋糕。因此选择第三项。故选C 2.划线词的意思是什么?联系原文:Fortunately, the job hasn’t made her too fat.句意:幸运的是,这份工作并没有使她变胖。联系下文:每天都在品尝大量的甜食,没有使她变胖,说明她是幸运的。结合选项,同义词为luckily.故选 B 3.下列描述中哪一项是正确的?分析选项:第一项:由于工作的原因,劳拉是很胖的。不正确。原文明确指出,她没有变胖。第二项:因为工作是困难的,所以劳拉不喜欢这份工作。不正确。最后一段体现出她很爱这份工作。第三项:每天,劳拉通常工作很长时间。正确。每天从早上八点到下午六点,时间很长。第四项:人们认为劳拉的工作是非常累的。不正确。在第三段中体现人们是羡慕她的工作。故选C 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。

It was the first day of school. I had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile.

She said, “ Hi, young man! I’m Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug(拥抱)?”

I said         , “ Of course!”

“Why are you in college at            an age?” I asked.

She joked, “ I’m here to meet a         husband, get married, have children, and then travel around the world.”

“No, seriously,” I asked.

“ I always            of having a college education. Now I’m getting one!” she told me .

After a year, Rose became popular. She easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from         .

At the end of the semester(学期) we invited Rose to       at our party. I’ll never forget what she

taught           .

“We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow        because we stop playing. Here are the         of staying young. You have to laugh and find humour every______. You’ve got to have a dream. When you             your dreams, you die!”she said.

“There is a big            between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow old. That doesn’t take any talent or ability,” she added. “But to          , you have to find the chance in change. Have no regrets(遗憾). We usually don’t have regrets for what we did,            rather for things we did not do.”

Finally we graduated from the college with Rose. One week             graduation(毕业), she died peacefully in her sleep. She taught us by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.

1.A. slowly            B. happily           C. heavily              D. badly

2.A. so                B. this              C. such                D. that

3.A. rich               B. bad             C. poor                 D. short

4.A. hoped             B. wished           C. wanted              D. dreamed

5.A. another            B. the other          C. the others            D. others

6.A. say               B. speak             C. talk                 D. discuss

7.A. us                B. her               C. him                D. them

8.A. young             B. old               C. tall                D. thin

9.A. stories            B. secrets            C. seasons             D. surveys

10.A. week            B. month             C. year               D. day

11.A. lose             B. have               C. keep              D. like

12.A. chance          B. change             C. difference          D. problem

13.A. stand up         B. grow up            C. grow old           D. keep healthy

14.A. because         B. so                 C. though             D. but

15.A. in              B. after               C. during             D. before