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The world’s population is growing ______ and there is _______ land and water for growing rice.

A. more; less    B. larger; fewer   C. larger; less       D. more; fewer


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:世界人口增长的越大,为种植水稻的土地和水就越少。英语中表示人口的多少用large和small;故第一个空应填larger;由于few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词,根据land和water可知,第二个空应用less。故选C。 考点:考查形容词比较级。  


“Do you like my dress?” She asked a passing stranger. 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!“My mommy made it just for me.” She said with tears in her eyes.

“I think it is really pretty, but why are you (1) c______”

With a quiver (颤抖) in her voice, the little girl answered, “After mommy made me the (2) d______, she had to go to the heaven (天堂).”

Finally the woman realized what the child meant. She gently (3) h____ the child in her arms and together they cried for the mommy that was gone.

Then suddenly the little boy stopped crying, stepped back from the woman and (4) b____ to sing. She sang so softly that it was almost a whisper. It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard, a most like the song of a very small bird.

(5) A_____ the child stopped singing, she explained to the lady, “My mommy used to sing that song to me before she went away, and she made me promise to sing it whenever I started crying and (6) i____ would make me stop.”

“See,” she said, “it did, and now my eyes are dry!”

As the woman turned to go, the little girl grabbed her sleeve(袖子). “Madam, can you stay just a minute? I want to show you (7) s________.”

“Of course,” she answered.

(8) P______ to a spot on her dress, she said, “Right here is where my mommy kissed my dress and here,” pointing to another spot, “and here is another kiss, and here, and here.” Mommy said she put all those kisses on my dress so that I would have all kisses for everything that made me cry.

Then the lady (9) r______ that she wasn’t just looking at a dress, no, she was looking at a mother…who knew she was going away and would not be there to kiss away the hurts that she knew her daughter would get. So she took all the love she had for her beautiful little girl and put them into this dress that her child no学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!w so proudly wore.

She (10) n____ longer saw a little girl in a simple dress. She saw a child wrapped…in her mother’s love.


We often act like babies when we want to be happy. Why? I think it is because children have no worry and they don’t complain.

We can set a goal in our life and go after what we want. But if we’re     all the time, how can we live happily? If you don’t believe me, count how many    you complain about something in one day. Whether it is being trapped in busy traffic or troubled by weather, or whatever it is, there are endless things you can find to complain about.

But it’s not just the outside condition that we will complain about. We complain about ourselves too. We complain that we don’t have enough time or money, and that we’re not smart enough, cool enough, or just enough. Many times we experience lots of unpleasant things because of complaining about things we can’t control.

Think about how much happier you would be if you stopped complaining? Much of what you complain about is out of your control anyway. What’s the meaning of thinking about something you have no power to change?

Finding out what you are complaining about is the first step to stop complaining. Ask yourself if you prefer to complain or to be happy.

It’s best to stop to enjoy the beautiful life, but not to waste time to complain.




3.在文中找出下列句子的同义词:We can have a life goal and try to get it.



What should you do first to stop complaining?

