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The world paused to remember a cultural giant _______ April 17 after Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez died _______ the age of 87.

A. on; at    B. on; in

C. at; atD. at; in


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:诺贝尔奖获得作家加布里埃尔加西亚马奎斯87岁去世后,在四月十七日为了记住这位文化巨人世界暂停。表示在某一天,习惯用介词on,表示在某年或在某月,习惯用介词in。at the age of在……岁时,是一个固定短语,所以选A。 考点:考查介词。  

阅读与回答问题(5小题, 每题2分,共10分)

Do you feel lonely when your best friend isn’t around? Of course, yes. Here’s our advice to you—and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes.

You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You want to have new friends, but how do you make them? Maybe it seems everybody else already has his or her friends. But remember, there’s always room for more friends.

Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids youd like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (欣赏) to them. Invite someone to play with you or say, “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom. When youre at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say Hi, can I play, too? or just join in.

If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help ---and pretty soon, you’ll have one, or two, or even more new friends.

You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other, you can share something you didn’t have before he or she left. You can introduce him or her to your new friends!

1. How do you feel when your best friend isn’t around you according to the passage?


2. Why do some kids feel lonely at break according to the writer?


3. What is the best way to make friends according to the writer?


4. Why do some kids need help from teachers to make friends according to the writer?


5. What should you do if you want to make more friends? (请自拟一句话作答)




根据首字母提示完成短文, 每空一词。

Learning to save money when you’re young is an i_______1. lesson. All good habits should begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone needs. But many people do not have a good sense of s______2. for the long run.

I have been lucky to learn this lesson early because I have had a grass-cutting business s_____3. I was 10 years old. Of the money I make I spend about 10 p_______4. and save the other 90%.

Making sure you save and don’t spend too much is a good way to build up wealth (财富). I have put my earnings in a bank. However, many teens I know usually s_______5. all the money they earn, so it never has a chance to grow. Young people should r_______6.that their teenage years are a great time to begin saving.

At high school your parents will p_______7. for almost everything you need, so your expenses (消费) can be small. If you have a job, you should have fun with some of the money. But you should also save some so that it will grow. Then you can begin planning for your f________8.. When you spend money, you not only lose that money, but also lose the interest you could have earned by saving it.

After high school, college is expensive and then “real” life begins, with expenses such as food and rent. If you can hold onto a good percentage of the money you earn as a teen, going to college and buying a new h_______9. of your own will be much easier. If you are in your teen without any savings, you will always have to struggle. The e_______10. you begin saving, the easier it is to create a nest egg.