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1.Musical training can make you smarter,        (尤其) when you start at a young age.

2. Li Minhao’s ________(到达) made the fans scream excitedly.

3. The real purpose of study is to ____________(make better) your abilities.

4.The CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your _____(information and understanding in the mind) of English grammar.

5.As we know,      is the second month of a year.

B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

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6. Elephants eat________, but they can move silently.

7. Food __________is very important for children.

8.She is ____________ among these girls, but she is still on diet.

9. A lot of people are having a party for the old lady’s __________ birthday.

10.—Is this your sister’s handbag? —No, it isn’t.. __________ is on the chair behind the desk.

C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

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11.The water in the river _________dirtier if nothing is done.

12.When I visited her last night, she __________by the fire and thinking.

13.My father _________to Beijing for his business last night.

14.I’m a singer is the most popular programme that I           so far.

15.The geography teacher told us that Diaoyu Island ___________ in the east of China.


1.especially 2.arrival/arriving 3.improve 4.knowledge 5.February 6.noisily 7.safety 8.the slimmest 9.ninetieth 10.Hers 11.will be 12.was sitting 13.flew 14.have seen 15.lies 【解析】 试题分析: 1.音乐训练能使你更聪明,尤其是当你从小开始的时候。especially,尤其,是一个副词,修饰整个从句。根据句意可知,especially。 2.李敏镐的到达使粉丝兴奋地尖叫着。“Li Minhao’s”是名词所有格,后面跟名词或动名词。故填arrival 或arriving。 3.学习的真正目的是使你的能力更好。make better 的同义词是improve,改善,提高。根据句意可知,这故填improve。 4.只读光盘能通过测试你的英语语法知识帮助你学英语。information and understanding in the mind意义等同于knowledge. 5.我们都知道二月是一年的第二个月。the second month of a year一年的第二个月即February. 6.大象吃东西声音大,但他们能无声地行进。silently与noisily是反义词,修饰动词eat用副词,且根据but要用silently的反义词noisily。 7.食品安全对孩子们来说很重要。作主语要用名词safe的名词形式safety. 8.在这些女孩子中她是最苗条的,但她仍然节食。among表示三者以上当中,所以用形容词slim的最高级the slimmest. 9.很多人在为这位老太太的九十岁生日举行聚会。几岁生日要用数词的序数词,故填ninety的序数词ninetieth. 10.这是你姐姐的手包吗?不是。她的在写字台后面的椅子上。她的(手包)作主语要用she的名词性物主代词Hers=Her handbag. 11.河里的水将会更脏。根据句意用be的将来时will be。 12. 13.last night是过去时间,fly发生在昨晚故用过去时flew。 14.我是歌唱家是直到现在我看过的最受欢迎的节目。so far直到现在,故句子I so far应该用完成时态have seen。 15.地理老师告诉我们钓鱼岛位于中国的东部。钓鱼岛位于中国的东部是客观事实,所以用一般现在时态,Diaoyu Island 是三单作主语,故用lie的三单形式lies作谓语。 考点:单词填空。

Growing mushrooms(蘑菇)is probably the easiest thing you can do even if you are new to mushroom growing. It is becoming more common because restaurants are starting to create more dishes that include mushrooms.

Mushroom growing is easy. To start, you need to have a space where you are going to grow these mushrooms. It does not have to be a huge space but just enough for you to grow as many mushrooms as you need. When you have found the space perfect for you, you can start researching what kind of mushrooms you want to grow. There are a lot of mushrooms to choose from and not all of them are suitable to eat.

When you decide what kind of mushrooms you want to grow, you can start getting ready to plant the mushrooms. Sometimes you may want to hire some workers to help if you have a large mushroom farm, or if you are trying to start a professional mushroom growing business. Trying to have a business by yourself can be stressful. If you don’t have enough time to spend taking care of everything yourself, some helpers may be the best choice.

After you have started the mushroom growing, you should regularly check that your mushrooms grow properly and that they are not being attacked by any pesticides(农药)or any other animals or something that could be dangerous to them. That is the worst part of mushroom developing. Protect your mushroom farm well with a fence(围栏)or a gate so that only you and your workers can get in and out.

Mushroom growing is not difficult and it is easy to get stared in the world of farming. You will soon possibly be able to provide some of the great cooks of the world with high quality mushrooms that will be enjoyed by thousands of people all over the world.

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1. According to the passage, many people begin to plant mushrooms probably _______.

A. because they are in great need.     

B. because they look very beautiful

C. because they are healthy food      

D. because they are very expensive

2. Which of the following is the right order of planting mushrooms?

a. Choose suitable mushrooms.b. Protect your mushrooms well.

c. Find some workers to help you.d. Start to grow the mushrooms.

e. Find a place to plant your mushrooms.

A. cadbe         B. eacdb

C. caebd         D. eadbc

3. It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that __________.

A. pesticides can be used in mushroom growing

B. anyone can produce high quality mushrooms.

C. after starting, you should always take care of the mushrooms

D. having a mushroom business is not so difficult

4. According to the passage, which sentence is NOT true?

A. Although you don’t know much about growing mushrooms, you can do it easily.

B. you can choose a suitable space, just big enough for you to grow mushrooms.

C. Some mushrooms aren’t suitable to eat.

D. The worst part of mushroom developing is to protect your mushrooms farm well with fence.

5. The best title of the passage is __________.

A. Healthy mushrooms          B. The value of mushrooms

C. How to choose mushrooms          D. Suggestions on growing mushrooms


The father’s role in the family is important. One researcher says babies who are cared for by their fathers have greater cognitive (认知的) development at one year of age than babies not cared for by their fathers. Another researcher reports that by spending time with their pre-school children, fathers can help to develop children’s language ability. Researchers also point out that for school-age children, fathers are one bridge with the outside world.

Fathers who value (重视) education have children who do better in school than those children whose fathers don’t value education. What’s more, fathers who spend quality time with their children may give their children happy memories which may last a lifetime.

While each father is a unique person who educates children in his own style, good fathers have something in common.

Good fathers attend their children’s school activities. They also involve the children in their lives and the adult world by taking them to see the workplace, or by taking them when the car needs to be repaired, etc.

Good fathers expect a great deal from their children, but also accept and support the unique individuals (个体) that their children are becoming.

Good fathers prefer explanations and reasoning to force.

Good fathers know their time with children is really an investment (投资) in them.

Being an involved father is good for children and good for fathers. Both children and fathers have the chance for growth and development. Today’s lifestyles are changing. More and more fathers are keeping a balance between their personal life, work, and family time.

1.According to the passage, we can find that          .

A. fathers have an important influence on their children from babyhood through adulthood

B. fathers’ involvement (介入) is the most important in children’s development

C. all fathers have the same way of educating their children

D. fathers are more important than mothers in the family

2. A unique person in the third paragraph means “a person who            ”.

A. has the same ideas as others

B. is the only one of his type

C. does everything without considering others’ ideas

D. tries to do everything well

3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the passage?

A. Good fathers attend their children’s school activities but never take them to their workplace.

B. Good fathers expect a great deal from their children and force them to work hard.

C. Good fathers try to make it clear to their children that staying with their fathers is an investment.

D. Good fathers improve themselves when they spend time with their children.

4. The passage is mainly about __________ .

A. how to be a qualified father

B. the growth and development of both fathers and children

C. the father’s role in the growth and development of children

D. the change of the father’s role in modern society


This dictionary tells you about English words and how to use them in reading, writing and speaking English. It not only gives the meaning of words, it can also help you with spelling, word building, grammar and pronunciation.

   To use your dictionary correctly, you need to understand how the dictionary works. At the front of the book, you will find some exercises to help you make the most use of your dictionary.

   If you look up the word “colour”, you will find two spellings for this word. “Colour” is used in British English, while “color” is used in American English. When such a thing happens, the dictionary shows it with the word “BrE” for British English and “AmE” for American English.

   The dictionary also helps you pronounce words correctly. It uses a special alphabet (特殊字母表) to show pronunciation. If you turn to the inside back face, you will see all the phonetic letters (音标) with some words to show you how they are pronounced. Just have a look at this page when you’re not sure how to say a word.

   The most important reason for using a dictionary is to find out the meaning of a word—its DEFINITION.

   In this dictionary, the definitions have been written using only 2000 words. This means that the definitions of even the most difficult words are simply explained and easy to understand.

1. According to the passage, “neighbor” is used in ______ English.

A. Australian     B. Canadian  

C. American     D. British

2. In Paragraph 5, what does the underlined word “definition” mean?

A. 词性    B. 词条     C. 词库   D. 词义

3. The dictionary explains ______. 

A. some of the difficult words    B. all the words in a simple way

C. all the easy words           D. the words of two meanings


Reuben, a 12-year-old boy, saw something in a shop window. But the price—five dollars—was far beyond his means. He couldn’t ask his parents        the money. His father made a living through     in Bay Roberts. His mother, Dora, tried hard to feed and clothe their five children.

Hesitating(犹豫) for a few minutes, he opened the    and talked to the shopkeeper. “…I don’t have the money right now. Can you please     it for me?” “I’ll try,” the shopkeeper smiled.

Reuben respectfully touched his worn cap and walked out. Hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, he suddenly had a(an)    . He ran towards the sound and stopped at a construction site(建筑工地).Reuben knew he could collect the discarded nails(被丢弃的钉子) and sell them to the factory for five cents    .

He looked for nails until sunset. Then he ran to the factory and sold them. Reuben tightly clutched(握紧) the five-cent pieces and ran home. He found a rusty iron can and dropped his    inside. Then he rushed into the barn(谷仓) near his house and hid it. It was dinner time when Reuben got home. His father sat at the big kitchen table, working on a fishnet. Dora was at the kitchen stove, ready to serve    as Reuben took his place at the table. Looking at his mother, Reuben smiled.

Every day after school, Reuben searched the town, trying to finish his    task. Finally, the time had come! He ran into the barn, opened the can, poured the coins out and began to count.

He still needed 20 cents! He had to sell four nails    the day ended. Rushing to the town, Reuben searched every corner. It was getting dark when Reuben arrived at the factory. The man at the factory was about to    .

“Please, mister. I have to sell these nails now—please.”

“Why do you need this money so    ?”

“It’s a secret.”

The man took the nails, reached into his pocket and put four coins in Reuben’s hand.

Clutching the can tightly, Reuben    for the shop.

“I have the    ” he solemnly told the owner.

Back home, his mother was cleaning the kitchen. “Here, Mum! Here!” Reuben shouted as he ran to her. He    a small box in her roughened hand. She opened it carefully. A blue-velvet jewel box appeared. Dora lifted the lid(盖子). Tears began to blur(模糊) her vision. In gold lettering on a small, almond-shaped brooch(胸针) was the word Mother.

It was Mother’s Day, 1946.

1. A. aboutB. forC. ofD. with

2. A. farmingB. drivingC. fishingD. cleaning

3. A. doorB. shopC. windowD. box

4. A. buy    B. watchC. makeD. keep

5. A. taskB. goalC. planD. idea

6. A. eachB. anyC. eitherD. all

7. A. nailsB. cansC. coinsD. dollars

8. A. breakfastB. tableC. lunchD. dinner

9. A. publicB. secretC. excitingD. surprising

10.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. while

11.A. call upB. lock upC. clear upD. turn up

12.A. hurriedlyB. hardlyC. badlyD. immediately

13.A. wentB. lookedC. paidD. left

14.A. pocketB. moneyC. lidD. time

15.A. movedB. pulledC. placedD. took