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Tony told us ______ funny story, but he forgot ______ ending himself.

A. a; anB. an; theC. an; aD. a; the


D 【解析】 试题分析:Tony给我们讲了一个很有趣的故事,但他自己忘记了结尾。第一空一个故事是泛指,所以用不定冠词a;第二空指这个故事的结尾,是特指,用定冠词the,故选D。 考点:考查冠词的用法  




1. 比汽车便宜得多,每个人都买得起

2. 在上学、上班时段交通特别繁忙,如果有更多的人选择骑自行车,街道上就会有更少的汽车,也不会那么拥挤

3. 有利于保护环境, 因为……(请自拟一点)

4. ……(请自拟一点)

愿  望





提示:低碳生活:low-carbon life

Now, public bikes are provided for people in many cities in China. I think it’s a good thing.














Angela Zou hardly writes text messages now. Sitting at her office desk, Zou asks her iPhone, where they should go to eat. When it buzzes seconds later, she lifts it to her ear for her friend's reply. The conversation goes back and forth through these pieces of words before they decide on the place for lunch.


Like millions of others across Asia, Zou is using WeChat, a smartphone app(应用程序)developed in China, to send voice messages, snapshots(快照)and emoticons(表情符号)to her friends. Now that its walkietalkie-style(对讲机式)messages have become everywhere, she said typing feels like hard work.

WeChat's popularity has grown quickly since it came into use in 2011. Tencent, the company that developed the app, announced in September that its users had doubled in six months to 200 million. Most users are in China, though WeChat is being used across Asia and already has users in the US and the UK.  

Historically, it has proved difficult for Chinese internet firms to develop in foreign countries. But WeChat is becoming the first Chinese social media application with the possibility to go to the whole world.

WeChat is similar to the popular US-based mobile messaging service WhatsApp, but it does more. It comes in eight languages including English, Arabic and Russian.

"I used WhatsApp before I came back to China from studying abroad and found all my friends were using WeChat," said Zou, who is 25. "Now when I want to contact someone I use WeChat first." The app's features include Look Around, which allows users to chat to strangers nearby, while Moments works like Instagram(图片分享).

1.Why does Angela Zou hardly write text messages now?

2.What is WeChat used to do?

3.Which company of China developed WeChat?

4.Where is WeChat used?

5.What do you think of WeChat?




An 8-year-old Miami boy, Joshua Williams, is president of his own non-profit organization---Joshua’s Save the World. His organization provides food and clothes for p1.     people and families in Miami and the neighboring areas.

Joshua has r  2.    thousands of dollars for his organization. He started to help the hungry when he was just 5. He was in his mother’s car when they passed a beggar. Joshua asked his mother to stop so that he could give him $20. “It’s my pocket m 3. . I want to help him, Mum,” Joshua recalled. One year later, he created his organization with the help of his mother and Francine Hanna, a local businesswoman. “He just thought that was what he wanted to do,” his mother said. “And there was nothing that could s  4.   him.”

The organization now provides clothing, furniture and food for the poor people in America. At the same time, Joshua never misses a c 5.   to ask other people to follow what he did whether at church or on the streets. Earl Laird l  6.  his job two years ago and hasn’t managed to get a n  7.   one. Without money, he can’t p  8.   for the flat and has to live on the street. He depends on food from Joshua’s Save the World. “Joshua is an angel (天使) from God,” he said.

Joshua has won Miami’s “Do the Right Thing” award and the “Kids Who Care” competition, which awarded him a $1,000 note. Even though he has a  9. done a lot, he said that his mission (使命)to provide for the poor is f 10.   from finished. “I want to get a team together,” Joshua said. “I want my team to go out and give food to people who have a need for it. I want to spread love to countries in Africa.”



A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。

1.Everyone came to the meeting late for       (different) reasons.

2.What a great       (建议) the teacher gave me. It is always good for my study.

3.Now the student has begun to       (get to know and understand ) that he was wrong.

4.My teachers often       ( 鼓励 ) me not to give up when I face difficulty.

5.Bill Gates’ achievements go       setting up Microsoft Corporation. He has also donated lots of money to charity.

B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

three    safe    health     they      educate

6.In the modern world, we should pay more attention to food. We should eat very       .

7.Today is Children’s Day. The children are enjoying       festival now.

8.To support a big family, his father has to look for a       job besides delivering newspapers and milk.

9.For your       , you mustn’t stand under the tree when it’s raining in summer.

10.Last month, Mrs Obama, U.S. First Lady, paid a week-long visit to China focusing on       . She visited some schools and universities.

C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。

like   sweep    carry    leave   stop  

11.My teacher       over ten books out of the classroom when I came in just now.

12.The rain       . Let’s go out to take a walk.

13.—Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.

   —Just a minute, Mum. I       the floor.

14.—Why didn’t you hand in your homework yesterday?

  —Sorry, I       it at home. I have brought it here today.

15.His grandma       singing Beijing opera in her free time.